Breaking Up with My Phone: Day 7

Day 7 is all about getting physical.

When I was a kid, I was outside 80-90% of the time, enjoying any activity that I could do outside. It’s refreshing to see that one kid go up and down my street on a bike, but I usually don’t see children having fun outside nearly as much as we used to.

Today’s challenge is to do something that requires you to move around (and it doesn’t necessarily require you to go outside).

Some examples are:

  • going for a walk (without your phone)
  • yoga
  • playing catch
  • going to the park and play an outdoor game
  • get a massage
  • play a video game that requires you to jump around and move (ex. just dance)
  • taking a dance class

I chose to go for a walk and I didn’t read until after that I should do it without music, but I didn’t bring my phone. I broke out my iPod shuffle (I’m old) and hit the sidewalks. With my older iPod, you don’t have the option to check many things (compared to an iPod touch), but that was a good thing. I was able to enjoy my surroundings more and stay focused on nature > my phone screen.

I also noticed when I let my dog out, I had more control of my breathing. What I mean by that is instead of taking my phone with me and checking every app on it, I enjoy the time with my dog or bring a book outside, and I let out slow, calming breaths. It feels nice.

Get an alarm clock

The program also recommends during this time to also pick up an alarm clock, which I already did a little while ago!

Like many people, I used my phone as an alarm clock, but I didn’t like having my phone on 24 hours a day. I would try to remind myself to turn my phone off during certain times of the day, but I always forgot. Fortunately, alarm clocks don’t cost too much money (mine was $15 at Walmart), and now I can turn my phone off at night for a good 6-8 hours.

If you’re worried about a random power outage, I bought an alarm clock that you plug in AND has a battery slot. I keep it plugged in, and it will run off of the batteries as a backup.

That concludes Day 7!

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